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Mini Crape Myrtles A few of Crape Myrtle Growing Hints:
Go to Shopping Cart to buy Crape Myrtles. Wholesale direct, UPS to customer pricing, middlemen eliminated. In the Crape Myrtle Business 38 years. Certified all 50 states. 1 to 4 plants(you may mix and match) $19.95 each 5 to 14 plants $14.95 each Over 15 plants $10.95 each UPS shipping on all orders $24.95For 38 years we have been the USA's Crape Myrtle Specialists: Crape Myrtle Farms, inventors of USA Patented Mini Crape Myrtles.3 Ways to order from us: 1) by Shopping Cart - click the Shopping Cart icon to the left and it will take you to a page that has a link on it to our Shopping Cart(our Shopping Cart has a lot of beautiful Crape Myrtle pictures too) 2) Phone - 352-486-6922 or 352-486-5722 (FAX is also 352-486-5722) 3) Mail - click OrderPlants icon on left and print out order form and mail to us
![]() Click Picture to enlarge, all Tree and Miniature varieties are available for sale in the ShoppingCart.
Note: Crape Myrtles are commonly spelled several different ways: You may find crape myrtle spelled crape myrtle, crape myrtles, crapemyrtle, crepemyrtles and crepe myrtles. The scientific name is lagerstroemia crape myrtle. The Traditional "Southern Spelling is "Crepe Myrtle" (because the delicate flowers resemble crepe paper) whereas across the United States it is more commonly "Crape Myrtle". In Europe and Australia and other countries they use the Scientific Name, Lagerstroemia Crape Myrtle. We try to use all spellings throughout so our readers can get used to seeing crape myrtle spelled several different ways. Some of the 49 varieties of Crape Myrtles we stock including Crape Myrtle Tall Trees, Crape Myrtle Medium Height Trees, Crape Myrtle Dwarfs, and Miniature Crape Myrtles First of all note that "Crape Myrtle" is
commonly spelled many different ways: If you would like us to mail you a copy of our Crape Myrtle Catalog, Crape Myrtle Price List and Crape Myrtle Order Blank, then send us an E-Mail with your Mailing Address and Zip Code to: crapemyrtlefarms@hotmail.com Crape Myrtle Trivia Did you know Crape Myrtles can be grown in all 50 states and most foreign countries? In the last 5 years there were over 2 dozen new Varieties of Crape Myrtle Trees, Dwarf Crepes and Miniature Crapes introduced into the United States from Major Breeding and Hybridization Programs in Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, North Carolina, and Washington,DC. They can be grown as 40' Trees or novelty 8" Miniatures and crape myrtle varieties are cold hardy to -15F below zero and even colder! In Canada and far Northern States, the New Miniatures can be grown in pots or hanging baskets during the Spring, Summer, and Fall then, in December, moved to a sunny window or basement to overwinter. How many plants did you plant this summer that died at the end of summer or with the 1st frost? Not Crape Myrtles, they're woody perennials that come back year after year and crape myrtles bloom from early May to late October. Crape Myrtles are not related to the Myrtle Plants many of you may be familiar. The "Myrtle Plant" usually refers to a Groundcover Plant. Crape Myrtles refer to Woody, Perennial Trees, Shrubs and Miniatures that are commonly seen from Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey moving south across Tennessee, Kentucky, and the Carolinas, continuing to Florida, and all the way across the United States to Texas, California, Oklahoma and as far north as Oregon and Washington State. The Crape Myrtle is one of the most versatile perennials you can grow. Many of the crape myrtle photos shown above of of flower clusters from a single branch! Do you think the crape myrtle flowers look delicate? Do you think they look like crepe paper? Did you know this plants common name " crape myrtles " is often spelled " "crepe myrtles" or "crapemyrtle" and even "crepemyrtle". The spelling of " crape " as
" crepe " (with an "e" instead of an "a") is
because many people say the crinkly flowers resemble "crepe paper". We
try to use all
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